After many requests and hours of longing, the Zatoichi TV series, originally aired in Japan, is now available in the U.S. on DVD. In all, 100 episodes were filmed, and this initial DVD set is for the first five episodes, each running about 60 minutes each.
ZATOICHI TV Series Volume One
Eps. 1-5 (Two disc set)
1. "A Challenge of Chance," directed by Kazuo Mori (10/3/1974 )
2. "The Flower that Bloomed with the Lullaby," directed by Yoshiyuki Kuroda (10/10/1974 )
3. "A Memorial Day and The Bell of Life," directed by Shintaro Katsu (10/17/1974 )
4. "The Kannon Statue That Was Tied," directed by Kenji Misumi (10/24/1974 )
5. (Unknown at this time.)
Runtime: Approx. 240 min. Not rated.


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